By: AY1920S1-CS2103T-W12-1      Since: Aug 2019      Licence: MIT

1. Design

1.1. Architecture

Figure 1. Architecture Diagram

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App. Given below is a quick overview of each component.

Main has two classes called Main and MainApp. It is responsible for,

  • At app launch: Initializes the components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.

  • At shut down: Shuts down the components and invokes cleanup method where necessary.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components. The following class plays an important role at the architecture level:

  • LogsCenter : Used by many classes to write log messages to the App’s log file.

The rest of the App consists of four components.

  • UI: The UI of the App.

  • Logic: The command executor.

  • Model: Holds the data of the App in-memory.

  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

Each of the four components

  • Defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.

  • Exposes its functionality using a {Component Name}Manager class.

For example, the Logic component (see the class diagram given below) defines it’s API in the interface and exposes its functionality using the class.

Figure 2. Class Diagram of the Logic Component

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command delete 1.

Figure 3. Component interactions for delete 1 command

The sections below give more details of each component.

1.2. UI component

Figure 4. Structure of the UI Component


The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, PersonListPanel, StatusBarFooter etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class.

The UI component uses JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • Executes user commands using the Logic component.

  • Listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.

1.3. Logic component

Figure 5. Structure of the Logic Component


  1. Logic uses the FinSecParser class to parse the user command.

  2. This results in a Command object which is executed by the LogicManager.

  3. The command execution can affect the Model (e.g. adding a person).

  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is passed back to the Ui.

  5. In addition, the CommandResult object can also instruct the Ui to perform certain actions, such as displaying help to the user.

Given below is the Sequence Diagram for interactions within the Logic component for the execute("delete 1") API call.

Figure 6. Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the delete 1 Command
The lifeline for DeleteCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

1.4. Model component

Figure 7. Structure of the Model Component


The Model,

  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences.

  • stores the FinSec data.

  • exposes an unmodifiable ObservableList<Person> that can be 'observed' e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.

  • does not depend on any of the other three components.

As a more OOP model, we can store a Tag list in Address Book, which Person can reference. This would allow Address Book to only require one Tag object per unique Tag, instead of each Person needing their own Tag object. An example of how such a model may look like is given below.


1.5. Storage component

Figure 8. Structure of the Storage Component


The Storage component,

  • can save UserPref objects in json format and read it back.

  • can save the FinSec data in json format and read it back.

1.6. Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.address.commons package.

2. Implementation

This section describes some important details on how the features are implemented

2.1. Help feature

The help command allows for users to generate a HelpCommand object in FinSec. It then provides one of various types of help dependant on the request of the user.

The format for the help command is as follows:

help cmd/<COMMAND> type/<TYPE>

2.1.1. Overview

The help mechanism is facilitated by HelpCommand and HelpCommandParser, taking in the following inputs from the user: SecondaryCommand and Type. After the parameters have been parsed, the relevant CommandResult object will be instantiated based on the input Type and pertaining to the input SecondaryCommand.

2.1.2. Current Implementation

The activity diagram below shows how it would look like from a user’s point of view during the creation of a HelpCommand object.

Figure describes the workflow of FinSec when the help command command is entered.

DG HelpActivityDiagram
Figure Activity diagram of the help command

The series of steps below explain the process and current implementation of the help command.

Step 1 : The user requests for help.

Step 2 : The HelpParser then calls the execute function of the HelpCommand.

Step 3 : The HelpCommand then returns a CommandResult based on what parameters the user enters.

  • If no parameters are entered, the HelpCommand class returns with a CommandResult requesting to show a basic helpWindow

  • If the incorrect parameters are entered, an error message will be sent as feedback to the user in the CommandResult

Step 4 : If the correct parameters are entered, the appropriate type of help is given.

  • If the user chooses brief, a brief description will be returned as feedback to the user in the CommandResult

  • If the user chooses guide, the HelpCommand class accesses the WebLinks class to get the String value of the respective command. It then utilises your default web browser to open up the FinSec User Guide and centers on the requested command.

  • If the user chooses api, the HelpCommand class accesses the ApiLinks class to get the String value of the respective command. It then generates an API.html file of the requested command on the local system and accesses it.

Step 5 : The help command resolves

2.1.3. Why was it implemented this way?

With regards to help, the current implementation was sorely lacking. The only way the user could get useful help was to access the User Guide which requires an internet connection. This meant that there was basically no offline help available with regards to command lists or what commands do. With the multi-faceted approach, the user can control the depth of help and have more options available to them in general.

2.1.4. Alternatives Considered

We have considered between two differing help philosophies.

Table 1. Help philosophies
Methods of Help Pros and Cons

Multi-faceted help

Pros : Provides multiple types of help . Cons : There is a risk of over-complicating the help function, which would prompt the user to be confused on how to even use the help command.

Simplistic Help

Pros : Use as-is. No additional coding required.

Cons : Requires an online connection to be able to get help.

We have settled on adopting the multi-faceted help philosophy as the current implementation of help simply does not cut it. Measures have been taken such as allowing the user to type in help with no additional parameters to display the command list and explain the deeper features of the help command; thus retaining its simplicity.

2.2. Claim feature

Claim is meant to model a claim made by a person. It has the following fields: Id, Description, Amount, Date, Name and Tags.

2.2.1. Adding a Claim


The add_claim command allows for admins to register Claims into FinSec.

The format for the add_claim command is as follows:

add_claim n/<NAME> d/<DESCRIPTION> c/<CASH AMOUNT> date/<DATE> [t/<TAG>]

The add claim add_claim mechanism is facilitated by AddClaimCommand and AddClaimCommandParser, taking in the following input from the user: Description, Amount, Date, Name and optionally Tags, which will construct Claim objects.


Figure 9 is an activity diagram that models the workflow of the addition of a claim.

Figure 9. Add Claim Command Activity Diagram

Figure 10 and 11 shows the sequence diagrams in executing the AddClaimCommand.

Figure 10. Add Claim Command Sequence Diagram
AddClaimSequenceDiagram Model
Figure 11. Add Claim Command Sequence Diagram (extension)
  • Upon calling for the command, the AddClaimCommandParser#parse() will be executed:

    • This operation takes in a String input from the user that will create Claim objects based on the prefixes 'd/', 'c/', 'date/', 'n/' and 't/'. The String value after the individual prefixes will create the respective object: d/description, c/amount, date/date, n/name and t/tags. A regex validation check will be imposed upon the creation of each argument. Any checks that fails the validation would prompt the user on the failed component.

    • Each of the parameters will be checked whether they are valid:

      • amount uses ParserUtil#parseAmount() to ensure that cash amount would only contain numbers and a maximum of 2 decimal places.

      • date uses Date#isValidDate() to ensure that the date entered is in the correct format of DD-MM-YYYY. The date also has to be a valid date (29-02-2019 is invalid but 29-09-2016 is valid). An example of validation in code is shown below.

public static final String VALIDATION_REGEX = "(31[\\-.](0[13578]|1[02])[\\-.](18|19|20)[0-9]{2})|((29|30)[\\-.](01|0[3-9]|1[1-2])[\\-.](18|19|20)[0-9]{2})|((0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8])[\\-.](0[1-9]|1[0-2])[\\-.](18|19|20)[0-9]{2})|(29[\\-.](02)[\\-.](((18|19|20)(04|08|[2468][048]|[13579][26]))|2000))";
public static boolean isValidDate(String test) {
        return test.matches(VALIDATION_REGEX);
  • After the validation checks are completed successfully, a Claim object will be constructed with Id, Description, Amount, Date, Name and Tags as the parameters.

  • AddClaimCommandParser will then return an AddClaimCommand object with Claim as its attribute.

  • AddClaimCommand#execute will check against all existing contacts against the input name to make sure the contact exists:

public CommandResult execute(Model model) throws CommandException {
        if (model.hasClaim(toAdd)) {
                throw new CommandException(MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_CLAIM);
        if (!model.hasContactFor(toAdd)) {
                throw new CommandException(MESSAGE_CONTACT_NOT_FOUND);
        return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_SUCCESS, toAdd));


Given below is an example usage scenario of how add_claim mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1: The user executes:

add_claim n/Melissa d/Logistics for Sports Day c/150.60 date/21-12-2019

This is intended to add a Claim of $150.60 for Logistics for Sports Day by Melissa.

Step 2: LogicManager uses FinSecParser#parse() to parse input from the user.

Step 3: FinSecParser determines which command is being used and creates the respective parser. In this case, AddClaimCommandParser is being created and the user’s input will be passed in as a parameter.

Step 4: AddClaimCommandParser will do a validation check on the user’s input before creating and returning a AddClaimCommand object with Claim as its attribute.

Step 5: LogicManager will execute AddClaimCommand#execute(), checking whether there is an existing Claim and also whether there is an existing contact for the claim, then adding the PendingClaim into the Model which is handled by the ModelManager.

Step 6: During the addition of claim into the UniqueClaimsList in FinSec, FinSec#addClaimIntoContact will also be called, adding the Id of the claim to the associated contact’s claims.

Step 7: AddClaimCommand will return a CommandResult to the LogicManager which will then be returned back to the user.

During the design of our add_claim function, specifically its association with Contacts, we considered other alternatives as well.

Table 2. add_claim alternatives
Design Consideration Pros and Cons

Adding the claim into contact by its object

Pros : This allows the claim to be stored inside the contact itself, thus is easily accessible.

Cons : It is more difficult ensuring that both the same claim in the contact and in the UniqueClaimsList remains exactly the same to each other when one of them is changed.

Adding the claim into contact by its Id

Pros : Since each claim has an unique Id, it can easily be retrieved from UniqueClaimsList (returned from FinSec#getClaimList()). This reduces coupling when the claim is to be changed (eg. gets approved).

Cons : Every time we retrieve a claim using its Id, we have to search through the whole UniqueClaimsList to find the associated claim. As the list gets bigger and the more claims we have to search for an individual contact, this may take more time.

We have decided to opt for the first option primarily because it reduces the number of potential bugs and the complexities involved. Moreover, as we are trying to push a Minimum Viable Product, the implementation is still fast enough for small-scale organisations to pick up our app and use it, minimising the cons.

2.2.2. Approving a Claim

This feature allows the user to approve a PendingClaim from the UniqueClaimList through its index.

The approve claim feature is facilitated by the ApproveClaimCommandParser and the ApproveClaimCommand.

The ApproveClaimCommand is part of the logic component of our application. It interacts with the model and storage components of our application.

2.2.3. Rejecting a Claim

This feature allows the user to reject a PendingClaim from the UniqueClaimList through its index.

The approve claim feature is facilitated by the RejectClaimCommandParser and the RejectClaimCommand.

The RejectClaimCommand is part of the logic component of our application. It interacts with the model and storage components of our application.

2.3. Income feature

The add_income command allows for users to register new Income objects into FinSec.

The format for the add_income command is as follows:

`add_income d/<description> c/<cash amount> date/<date> n/<name> p/<phone number>`

2.3.1. Adding an Income


The add income add_income mechanism is facilitated by AddIncomeCommand and AddIncomeCommandParser. It takes in the following input from the user: description, cash amount, name and phone number, which will construct individual objects that construct an Income object.

The AddIncomeCommandParser implements Parser with the following operation:

  • AddIncomeCommandParser#parse() - This operation will take in a String input from the user that will create individual objects based on the prefixes 'd/', 'c/', 'date/', 'n/' and 'p/'. The String value after the individual prefixes will create the respective object: d/ description, c/ cash amount, date/date, n/ name and p/ phone. A validation check will be imposed upon the creation of each object. Any checks that fails the validation would prompt the user on the failed component. For example:

    • cash amount would use ParserUtil#parseAmount() to ensure that cash amount would only contain numbers and a maximum of 2 decimal places.

    • phone would use ParserUtil#parsePhone() to ensure that the phone number entered would only contain numbers that are at least 3 numbers long.

    • date would use ParseUtil#parseDate() to ensure that the date entered is in the correct format of DD-MM-YYYY.

  • After validation checks are completed with no errors, an Income object is then constructed with description, cash, date, name and phone as the parameters.

  • AddIncomeCommandParser would then return a AddIncomeCommand object with Income as the parameter.


Given below is an example usage scenario of how add_income mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1: The user executes add_income d/shirt sales c/100.05 date/11-11-2019 n/John Doe p/91111111 to add an income of $100.05 of shirt sales received from John Doe who is contactable at 91111111.

Step 2: LogicManager would use FinSecParser#parse() to parse input from the user.

Step 3: FinSecParser would determine which command is being used and creates the respective parser. In this case, AddIncomeCommandParser is being created and the user’s input would be passed in as a parameter.

Step 4: AddIncomeCommandParser would do a validation check on the user’s input before creating and returning a AddIncomeCommand object with Income as the parameter.

Step 5: LogicManager would use AddIncomeCommand#execute() to add the Income into the Model which is handled by the ModelManager.

Step 6: AddIncomeCommand would return a CommandResult to the LogicManager which would then be returned back to the user.

Figure 12. Add Income Command Sequence Diagram

2.3.2. Deleting an Income

This feature allows the user to delete an income entry from the Unique Incomes List through its index.

The delete income feature is facilitated by the DeleteIncomeCommandParser and the DeleteIncomeCommand.

The delete income command is part of the logic component of our application. It interacts with the model and storage components of our application.


The DeleteIncomeCommandParser implements Parser with the following operation:

  • DeleteIncomeCommandParser#parse() - This operation will take in a int input from the user which will delete the income entry at the index which has entered. Any invalid format of the command will be prompted by the command parser.

Current Implementation

The delete income feature is executed by the DeleteIncomeCommand. Currently, the deletion of any income entry is done based on the INDEX of the income entry.

During the design of our delete function, we considered between two alternatives.

Table 3. Delete function alternatives
Design Consideration Pros and Cons

Deletion by Income description

Pros : It may be more intuitive for users to delete an income through the description of the income.

Cons : Incomes of different entries can have similar description. The user would eventually still have to look through the income list.

Deletion by Index (Current Choice)

Pros : Since each income has a unique index, any deletion by the index is less prone to bugs and easier to implement.

Cons : User will have to scroll the income list for the income entry and look for its index which can be inconvenient.

We have decided to opt for the first option primarily because it reduces the number of potential bugs and the complexities involved when taking into account the different cases and scenarios upon using deletion by income description.

2.3.3. Editing an Income

This feature allows the user to edit any attribute of the income entries. There are a total of five attributes for each entry, the description of the income, the amount of money received, the date it was received, the name of the person / organisation the user received the money from and the contact number. The user can edit at least one and up to all attributes.

The edit income feature is facilitated by the EditIncomeCommandParser and the EditIncomeCommand.

The edit command is part of the logic component of our application. It interacts with the model component of our software architecture.


The EditIncomeCommandParser implements Parser with the following operation:

  • EditIncomeCommandParser#parse() - This operation will take in an int input and one to five String input(s) from the user that will alter the attributes of current income entries based on the prefixes 'd/', 'c/', 'date/', 'n/', 'p'. The String value after the individual prefixes will alter the respective attribute it corresponds to: 'd/' for Description, 'c/' for Amount, 'date/' for Date, 'n/' for Name and 'p/' for Phone. A validation check will be imposed upon editing of each object. Any checks that fails the validation would prompt the user on the failed component.

Current Implementation

Here is an example of a step-by-step process on how the edit command alters an attribute of the income entry. For each step, you may follow the activity diagram at the end of this section to better understand the flow of events within FinSec when an edit_income command is entered.

Step 1 : The user launches the application and navigates to the income page. There is a list of existing income entries in FinSec.

Step 2 : The user then wishes to alter the income description of the second entry in the income list to "Fundraising". He then types edit_income 2 d/Fundraising into the Command Line Interface(CLI) and executes it.

Step 3 : The FinSecParser (refer to logic) then reads in these attributes that have been entered and proceeds to alter the attributes of the income entry in the given index. Each attribute will be validated.

Step 4 : The FinSecParser then creates a new EditIncomeCommand based on the input of the user. When the EditIncomeCommand is executed, it interacts with the Model architecture by calling the setIncome method. The setIncome method replaces the current income entry with the new income entry containing all the desired attributes. The income entry is now updated.

2.4. Shortcut feature

This feature gives the user an option to create a shortcut when an unknown command is entered into FinSec.


To enable an easy implementation of this feature, we have created a TreeMap to store the default commands and shortcuts in the FinSecParser. Each command and shortcut have their Command Word stored as they key value (so as to ensure there are no duplicates) and Command task as the values.

All default commands and shortcuts are also initialised as CommandItem objects which would be handled by the Model Manager class whenever we add or delete a shortcut. Command classes such as ShortCutRequestCommand, CreateShortcutCommand and NoShortCutCommand are created to facilitate the implementation of the shortcut feature.

When a user enters a command, FinSecParser would parse the input and check if the first word of the input is in the TreeMap key set. If the command word is not in the key set, FinSec would create a ShortCutRequestCommand and return the ShortCutRequestCommand object with CommandWord as the parameter.


Given below is an example usage scenario of how the shortcut feature mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1 : The user launches FinSec for the first time. The FinSecParser will be initialised. All the default commands will be added to the TreeMap using FinSecParser#initialiseDefaultCommands(). Previously created shortcuts would be added to the TreeMap from the constructor of the FinSecParser, where the ObservableList<CommandItem> will be the parameter.

Step 2 : The user enters an unknown command that is not recognised by FinSec. FinSec then returns a ShortCutRequestCommand.

Step 3 : ShortCutRequestCommand is executed in LogicManager and LogicManager would save the command word in a Stack. A CommandResult with a new Boolean value of "createShortCut" is then returned to MainWindow to display the result of the entry. The CommandResult#isCreateShortCut() sets the MainWindow#unknownEntry to true.

Step 4 : Since now the boolean value of MainWindow#unknownEntry is true, the next input would use a different execute command. Instead of the usual method LogicManager#execute(String command), the next input would be executed by LogicManager#executeUnknownInput(String command). Hence, if the subsequent input by the user is n, a NoShortCutCommand would be executed and it would return a CommandResult with a false value of createShortCut which would reinstate back the normal state of FinSec.

Step 5 : If the user enters a value other than n, the LogicManager#executeUnknownInput(String command) would call FinSecParser#checkCommand(String currentInput, String prevInput) to check if the command is existing or not. If the command is existing, it would return another ShortCutRequestCommand object with the same input. However, if a valid default command is entered, a new CreateShortCutCommand object is returned (go back to Step 3).

  • The code snippet below shows the FinSecParser#checkCommand(String currentInput, String prevInput) method

XYSeries public Command checkCommand(String currentInput, String prevInput) {
        if (FinSecParser.commandList.containsValue(currentInput)) {
            FinSecParser.commandList.put(prevInput, FinSecParser.commandList.get(currentInput));
            return new CreateShortCutCommand(FinSecParser.commandList.get(currentInput), prevInput);
        } else {
            return new ShortCutRequestCommand(currentInput);

Step 6 : When a CreateShortCutCommand object is returned, it is executed in LogicManager and LogicManager would use CreateShortCutCommand#execute() to add the CommandItem into the Model which is handled by the ModelManager.

Step 7 : CreateShortCutCommmand would then return a CommandResult to the LogicManager which would then be returned back to the user.

The following diagrams summarises what happens when a user executes an unknown command:

Figure 2.4.1 is the activity diagram when a user inputs an unknown command

Figure 2.4.1: ActivityDiagram when a user inputs an unknown command

Figure 2.4.2 shows the UML diagram of the flow of logic when a user creates a shortcut to a valid command

Figure 2.4.2: UML diagram when a user creates a shortcut

2.4.1. Why was it implemented this way?

In order for us to create new Command Words that gives the same functionality of a default command, it was imperative for us to create a CommandItem class that creates an object for every command with the String attributes of CommandWord and CommandTask. This way, it was possible to create more commands as the user uses the application.

Now with creation of new commands being made possible, we have to decide how we were going to store the list of commands for frequent reference to ensure a bug-free implementation of this feature.

We considered between two alternatives.

Table 4. Data structure to store commandWord and commandTask alternatives
Data Structure Consideration Pros and Cons


Pros : It may be more intuitive to implement an ArrayList.

Cons : Since we have to look up the list of commands frequently, the use of an ArrayList would significantly lower the performance of FinSec. This might negatively affect user experience.

TreeMap (Current Choice)

Pros : Since each commandWord has 2 attributes, commandWord and commandTask, this data structure was perfect for storing commands and newly created shortcuts. Furthermore, since we have to look up this TreeMap frequently, a TreeMap would improve the performance of the application since the retrieval speed of a TreeMap is extremely fast.

Cons : A TreeMap is not as intuitive to implement compared to an ArrayList or List.

We have decided to opt for the first option primarily because it significantly improves the performance of the application.

2.5. Autocorrect feature

This feature gives the user a dropdown list of suggestions when he is typing his entry.


In order for an easy implementation of this feature, we have created a new class AutocorrectTextField that extends TextField that would be loaded into the MainWindow when the user starts the application.

The AutocorrectTextField has 2 attributes, suggestionCommands and addSuggestions which are Sets of String values to be displayed to the user upon entering their commands. suggestionCommands would give the list of suggestions and addSuggestions would give the list of additional suggestions such as n/John Doe for ease of use for the users.

The list of commands can be easily retrieved using the method FinSecParser#getCommandList().keySet() while the list of additional suggestions can be retrieved from SuggestionsStorage#getSuggestions().

Currently, when the user adds a Contact, a new AutocorrectSuggestion would be created and added to the Model by the ModelManager. The AutocorrectSuggestion that would be created will be in the String "add_claim n/<Contact.fullname()>". This would ease the addition of claims into FinSec since that a user is not able to add a claim if the contact does not exist.


Given below is an example usage scenario of how the AutoCorrect feature mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1 : The user starts typing add_contact into FinSec. Since that add_contact is a default command, it would already be in the Set of Strings in AutocorrectTextField#suggestionCommands and it would trigger the method AutocorrectTextField#changed() and the suggestions would be loaded into the UI in the MainWindow.

Step 2 : The user adds a contact into FinSec and the method AddContactCommand#execute() is executed.

  • The code snippet below shows the AddContactCommand#execute() method

XYSeries  public CommandResult execute(Model model) throws CommandException {
        if (model.hasContact(toAdd)) {
            throw new CommandException(MESSAGE_DUPLICATE_PERSON);
        //adding the contact's name into the suggestion list.
        AutocorrectSuggestion addName = new AutocorrectSuggestion("add_claim n/" + toAdd.getName().fullName);
        return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_SUCCESS, toAdd));

Step 3 : An AutocorrectSuggestion object is created with the parameter "add_claim n/contact.getName().fullName".

Step 4 : The newly created AutocorrectSuggestion object is added into Model and handled by the ModelManager.

Step 5 : As the AutocorrectTextField is refreshed, the newly updated list of suggestions would be loaded by the methods FinSecParser#getCommandList().keySet() and SuggestionsStorage#getSuggestions() and ready to display for the next user input.

2.6. Budget feature

The budget command allows for users to Generate a Budget object in FinSec. It also creates a BudgetGraph object and displays it via the User Interface.

2.6.1. Overview

The Budget feature relies primarily on the Claim and Income features, and serves as an extension to calculate their difference. The Budget object calculates the cash amount values of all existing Income objects and all cash amount values of Claims that have a status of 'approved'. It then returns the difference in values as the budget value and creates a graph detailing the statistics for the month.

2.6.2. Current Implementation

Figure is a sequence of steps that illustrates the interaction between various classes when the budget command is entered.

Figure Execution sequence of the budget command

Step 1 : The budget command is passed on to the LogicManager as commandText

Step 2 : The LogicManager::execute method then calls FinSecParser::parseCommand which receives the user input (budget) as a parameter.

Step 3 : FinSecParser then references the various command words and identifies the command to be a budget command . It then calls the BudgetCommand class.

Step 4 : This newly created BudgetCommand object is returned to the LogicManager class, which then calls the BudgetCommand::execute method.

Step 5 : The BudgetCommand then interacts with the model component of our software architecture to create a filteredList of all Income and Claim objects using the model.getFilteredClaimList() and model .getFilteredIncomeList() methods.

Step 6 : It instantiates a Budget object which contains methods such as calculateTotalExpenses() and calculateBudget() to calculate the amount values of all the Claims, Incomes and thus use them to find the budget amount.
A BudgetGraph object is also created in parallel (Details expanded upon below)

Step 7: The BudgetCommand::execute finally completes by constructing a message string containing all these values and returning a new CommandResult with the specific message string to its calling method which is LogicManager::execute.

Step 8 : LogicManager::execute method returns a CommandResult to the calling method which is MainWindow::executeCommand.

Step 9 : The specific feedback is then retrieved through CommandResult::getFeedbackToUser and set in the result display of the MainWindow.

While creating the Budget object, a BudgetGraph object is also created in parallel. The activity diagram below shows how it would look like from a user’s point of view.

Figure describes the workflow of FinSec when the budget command is entered.

DG BudgetActivityDiagram
Figure Activity diagram of the budget command

The series of steps below demonstrates what the BudgetGraph object does in parallel to Step 6 above.

Step 6a : At the same time the Budget object is created, the BudgetGraph object is also instantiated, which is basically an XY-graph.

Step 6b : The BudgetGraph object creates a dataset by taking in the list of Claims and Incomes and parsing them to the ClaimPlotter, IncomePlotter and BudgetPlotter classes.

Step 6c : The 3 plotter classes then filter their respective lists to create new lists for the current month and start adding the points to the series.

The code snippet below shows the ClaimPlotter::plotClaims method

   XYSeries plotClaims() {
        Double amountToAdd;
        claimSeries.add(1, startingExpenses);
        double currentExpenses = startingExpenses;
        List<Claim> approvedClaimsInCurrentMonthList = findApprovedClaimsInCurrentMonth();
        for (int day = 2; day <= 30; day++) {
            for (Claim claim : approvedClaimsInCurrentMonthList) {
                if (claim.getDate().date.getDayOfMonth() == day) {
                    amountToAdd = Double.parseDouble(claim.getAmount().value);
                    assert amountToAdd >= 0 : "A negative claim value managed to get into the claim list";
                    currentExpenses += amountToAdd;
                    currentExpenses = Math.round(currentExpenses * 100) / 100.0;
            claimSeries.add(day, currentExpenses);
        return claimSeries;

Step 6d : Once the 3 series have been returned, the plotter classes then return the completed dataset to the BudgetGraph class which then renders the image.

Step 6e : The BudgetCommand::execute method then calls the BudgetGraph::displayBudgetGraph method to display the graph image.

2.6.3. Why was it implemented this way?

With so many claims and incomes, all having differing dates, it can be hard to keep track of how much money one should have on hand at any one time.

  • We felt that while knowing how much our prospective budget would be is good, knowing it over a range of time (such as a month in the case of BudgetGraph) would help with better planning

  • We also wanted to keep track of the history of said Claims and Incomes and doing it over a 1 month period ensures there will not be too visual data cluttering the screen.

2.6.4. Design Considerations

We have considered between two differing graph designs.

Table 5. Graph Designs
Graph Design Considerations Pros and Cons

Separate Graphs based on Organisation Tags

Pros : Displays all relevant data that the user can possibly ask for

Cons : Opening a multitude of graphs will visually clutter the screen with data unless more parsing is done to sort out which graphs are required

Single Graph (Current Choice)

Pros : Clean and clutter-free display.

Cons : It does not display as much data

We have settled on adopting a single-graph approach as having multiple graphs open can lead to the user being overwhelmed by unnecessary data, and the code needed to achieve this result satisfactorily would be too convoluted.

2.7. Goto feature

This section describes the different Views that Goto can bring a user to. It includes an overview of the goto details and how users can interact with goto based on commands implemented with the revamp of the original list feature. It also provides some design considerations to give users an insight of how the current solutions are worked out.

2.7.1. Overview

There are various message attributes in goto command: MESSAGE_SUCCESS_CONTACTS, MESSAGE_SUCCESS_CLAIMS, MESSAGE_SUCCESS_INCOMES, MESSAGE FAILURE, MESSAGE_USAGE that informs the user if the changing of View is successful. The attribute View is also stored as an attribute of the command. It is taken in as the parameter and the index of this View determines the list that will be shown in the MainWindow.

2.7.2. Current Implementation

Figure is a sequence of steps that illustrates the interaction between various classes when the goto command is entered. goto claims

Figure is a sequence of steps that illustrates the interaction between various classes when the goto contacts command is entered.

Figure Execution sequence of the goto contacts command

1) The only parameter after the goto command in the user input is passed into the LogicManager::execute method of the LogicManager instance.

2) The LogicManager::execute method calls FinSecParser::parseCommand which receives the user input as a parameter.

  • This user input which is in String format is then formatted, the first word before the space is taken as the command word and the rest of the String is grouped together as the argument that will be used later by the GotoCommandParser.

  • With the command word determined, the FinSecParser instance identifies the command as a goto command and constructs an instance of the GotoCommandParser.

3) FinSecParser calls the GotoCommandParser::parse method. This instance of GotoCommandParser then takes in the rest of the string, in this case: claims

  • A View instance is then created when the ParserUtil:parseView method is called. This method takes in the argument from the GotoCommandParser::parse method parameter and returns a GotoCommand with the View instance. This View forms the gotoView attribute of this specific GotoCommand instance.

  • When the argument for the GotoCommandParser::parse method is not recognised or present, a ParseException will be thrown with an error message that asks for the proper usage of the goto Command.

4) This newly created GotoCommand object is returned to the LogicManager instance through the GotoCommandParser and FinSecParser objects.

5) In the LogicManager object, it then calls the GotoCommand::execute method

  • The method takes in a Model object to access the application’s data context, the general storage of data for the application

  • The activity diagram below shows the GotoCommand::execute method

Figure is the activity diagram of the goto command

Figure ActivityDiagram
  • The model parameter passed into the GotoCommand::execute method is checked to be not null is made before the rest of the method continues.

  • The View::getIndex method is then called to determine the gotoView for this current GotoCommand instance. There are 3 alternatives for this command. They are 1, 2, 3. These indexes refer to contacts, claims and incomes respectively.

6) Depending on which alternative is chosen based on the index of the gotoView, the model instance will then be updated with the correct list of items.

  • If the user wants to go to contacts, the Model::updateFilteredContactList method is called with a true predicate as the argument

  • If the user wants to go to claims, the Model::updateFilteredClaimList method is called with a true predicate as the argument

  • If the user wants to go to incomes, the Model::updateFilteredIncomeList method is called with a true predicate as the argument

  • If the index that was retrieved through the Model::getIndex method is invalid or not within these 3 numbers, then a CommandException will be thrown with the MESSAGE_FAILURE static attribute.

7) This GotoCommand::execute method completes by returning a new CommandResult with the specific success message to its calling method which is LogicManager::execute.

8) LogicManager::execute method returns a CommandResult to the calling method which is MainWindow::executeCommand

  • The specific feedback is then retrieved through CommandResult::getFeedbackToUser and set in the result display of the MainWindow.

2.7.3. Why was it implemented this way?

Our application allows for adding of claims and incomes, which are the extra features in comparison to the original AddressBook. Therefore, instead of placing all of them into the same list

  • We found the need to split them into 3 separate lists instead of placing them in the same window where a user sees 3 lists cluttered together.

  • We want the user to have a clear command to know that he/she is no longer on the contacts list and has moved on to another list.

  • In addition, with these new Views created, upon successful invocation of the add_contacts, add_claim or add_income methods by the user, the UI will change automatically to either the contact, claims or incomes page. This gives the user a clear indication if the specific entry he/she has added is successful.

2.7.4. Design Considerations

  • Change the current list to another, overtaking the same area

    • Advantage: Cleaner user interface

    • Disadvantage: Performance issues may arise when the lists get too long and this constant reloading may cause lags

    • I decided to proceed with this option because the change in tabs would allow users to be clear that they are changing a page to the specific list that they want.

  • Display 3 lists in the same main page

    • Pros: Can see everything in a glance

    • Cons: Main page may have performance issues too as the lists all have to be loaded at the same time

2.8. Check feature

This feature is an extended feature of the goto feature because this feature can only be run when the user is in the claims or contacts page. This command is called when the user wants to check each contact or claim individually.

2.8.1. Overview

Just like the Goto Command, there are various message attributes: MESSAGE_SUCCESS_CONTACT, MESSAGE_SUCCESS_CLAIM, MESSAGE_FAILURE, MESSAGE_USAGE that informs the user if the check command was successfully executed and if so which individual pop-up is showing. The 2 lists that will benefit from these are the contacts and claims list. It is to allow the user to see a clear and concise understanding of the individual claim or contact. It comes in the form of a pop-up that shows the most important attributes that belong to the claim or contact.

2.8.2. Current Implementation

The check command takes in a single parameter that is the Index.

Figure is a sequence of steps that illustrates the interaction between various classes when the check command is entered.

Figure is a sequence of steps that illustrates the interaction between various classes when the check 1 command is entered.

Figure Execution sequence of the check 1 command

1) The only parameter after the check command in the user input is passed into the LogicManager::execute method of the LogicManager instance.

2) The LogicManager::execute method calls FinSecParser::parseCommand which receives the user input as a parameter.

  • This user input which is in String format is then formatted, the first word before the space is taken as the command word and the rest of the String is grouped together as the argument that will be used later by the CheckCommandParser.

  • With the command word determined, the FinSecParser instance identifies the command as a check command and constructs an instance of the CheckCommandParser.

3) FinSecParser calls the CheckCommandParser::parse method. This instance of CheckCommandParser then takes in the rest of the string, in this case: 1

  • An Index instance is then created when the ParserUtil:parseIndex method is called. This method takes in the argument from the CheckCommandParser::parse method parameter and returns a CheckCommand with the Index instance. This Index forms the index attribute of this specific CheckCommand instance.

  • When the argument for the CheckCommandParser::parse method is not recognised or present, a ParseException will be thrown with an error message that asks for the proper usage of the check Command.

4) This newly created CheckCommand object is returned to the LogicManager instance through the CheckCommandParser and FinSecParser objects.

5) In the LogicManager object, it then calls the CheckCommand::execute method

  • The method takes in a Model object to access the application’s data context, the general storage of data for the application

  • The Activity Diagram below shows the CheckCommand::execute method

Figure is the activity diagram of the check command

Figure is the activity diagram of the check command

Figure ActivityDiagram
  • The model parameter in the CheckCommand::execute method is checked to be not null is made before the rest of the method continues.

  • The method UiManager::getState is called to ensure the state of the current View is one of the 2, namely contacts or claims.

6) Depending on which alternative is chosen based on the index of the gotoView, the model instance will then be updated with the correct list of items.

  • If the user is in the claims list, the method Model::getFilteredClaimList is called to get the latest list of claims

  • The specific claimToShow is then retrieved through the get method from the list

  • An instance of CommandResult is then returned with the specific success message, the boolean for showClaim in the CommandResult constructor to be set to true and this claimToShow is passed into the constructor as a parameter.

  • If the index that was retrieved through the Model::getIndex method is invalid or larger than the size of the list, then a CommandException will be thrown with the MESSAGE_FAILURE static attribute.

7) This GotoCommand::execute method completes by returning a new CommandResult with the specific success message to its calling method which is LogicManager::execute.

8) LogicManager::execute method returns a commandResult instance to the calling method which is MainWindow::executeCommand

  • The specific feedback is then retrieved through CommandResult::getFeedbackToUser and set in the result display of the MainWindow.

9) The methods CommandResult::isClaim or CommandResult::isContact are then invoked to check if this commandResult instance is a claim or a contact then the methods CommandResult::giveClaim or CommandResult::giveContact are called to give the specific objects respectively. Either of these objects will then be passed as parameter to the ModelManager::handleClaim or Model::handleContact methods.

10) The code snippet below shows the Model::handleClaim method

    public static void handleClaim(Claim claim) {
        IndividualClaimWindow individualClaimWindow = new IndividualClaimWindow(claim);
        if (!individualClaimWindow.isShowing()) {
        } else {
  • This method creates a new IndividualClaimWindow with the claim object that was passed as a parameter. If the window is not showing, the IndividualClaimWindow::show method is called else it will call the IndividualClaimWindow::focus method to focus on the current claim.

2.8.3. Why was it implemented this way?

The pop-up method seems to be the best way to attract the attention of the user and make sure that the user can see clearly what he wants to check at that point in time. A pop-up is also easy because it allows the user to return immediately to the lists of claims or contacts and he/she can continue to work on his tasks immediately.

2.8.4. Design Considerations

  • Show a pop-up of the individual card

    • Advantage: Clearly shows the user what he/she is checking

    • Disadvantage: Inconvenient for people with dual screens as the pop-up may appear on another screen

    • I decided to proceed with this option because it is the best way of making the individual window clear to the user.

  • Remove the whole list from view and isolates the desired claim or contact needed

    • Advantage: Does not require the pop-up, another window to be shown

    • Disadvantage: Might not catch the attention of the user

2.9. Sort Feature

This section describes the ways that a user can sort the various lists. An overview is also included on how these sorts work. It also provides some design considerations to give users an insight of how the current solutions are worked out.

2.9.1. Overview

There are 2 ways that a user can sort the lists by. It gives the user flexibility in how he wants to see the lists. In addition, after sorting, the user can then employ the check method once again to see each individual object.

2.9.2. Current Implementation

The sort command takes in a 1 parameter that is the Filter. This Filter can either be name or date. name filter works in all 3 lists. However, in contacts and incomes list, the name filter refers to the name of the contact and in claims list, name refers to the description of the claim. date filter works in claims and incomes list and not in contacts list because contacts are not created with a date.

1) The 2 parameters after the sort command in the user input are name and date

2) This command is then parsed in the same way as the rest of the commands

3) The Activity Diagram below shows the SortCommand::execute method

Figure is the activity diagram of the check command

Figure SortActivityDiagram

4) To elaborate, once the sort command is called, UiManager::getState method is called to determine the current view the application is on then implements the correct type of sort on the list.

5) The comparators shown below are examples of the various lists are sorted.

  • sortFilteredClaimListByName is implemented with the help of a comparator that compares the descriptions of each claim with claim.getDescription() method. The code snippet below illustrates the comparator.

class ClaimNameComparator implements Comparator<Claim> {
    public int compare(Claim claim1, Claim claim2) {
        return claim1.getDescription().toString().toUpperCase()
  • sortFilteredIncomeListByDate is implemented with the help of a comparator that compares the dates of each income with income.getDate().getLocalDate() method. The code snippet below illustrates the comparator.

class IncomeDateComparator implements Comparator<Income> {
    public int compare(Income income1, Income income2) {
        return income1.getDate().getLocalDate()
  • sortFilteredClaimListByStatus is implemented with the help of a comparator that compares the statuses of each claim. The order is as such: Pending, Approved, Rejected. There are 9 cases of comparison between 2 claims. The code snippet below illustrates the comparator.

class ClaimStatusComparator implements Comparator<Claim> {
    public int compare(Claim claim1, Claim claim2) {
        if (claim1.getStatus().equals(Status.PENDING) && claim2.getStatus().equals(Status.APPROVED)) {
            return -1;
        } else if (claim1.getStatus().equals(Status.PENDING) && claim2.getStatus().equals(Status.PENDING)) {
            return 0;
        } else if (claim1.getStatus().equals(Status.PENDING) && claim2.getStatus().equals(Status.REJECTED)) {
            return -1;
        } else if (claim1.getStatus().equals(Status.APPROVED) && claim2.getStatus().equals(Status.REJECTED)) {
            return -1;
        } else if (claim1.getStatus().equals(Status.APPROVED) && claim2.getStatus().equals(Status.APPROVED)) {
            return 0;
        } else if (claim1.getStatus().equals(Status.APPROVED) && claim2.getStatus().equals(Status.PENDING)) {
            return 1;
        } else if (claim1.getStatus().equals(Status.REJECTED) && claim2.getStatus().equals(Status.PENDING)) {
            return 1;
        } else if (claim1.getStatus().equals(Status.REJECTED) && claim2.getStatus().equals(Status.REJECTED)) {
            return 0;
        } else if (claim1.getStatus().equals(Status.REJECTED) && claim2.getStatus().equals(Status.APPROVED)) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;

2.9.3. Why was it implemented this way?

The major implementation difference for claims list sorted by name, it is sorted based on the description of each claim. This was implemented like this because of the check feature. The check feature in the contacts list allows the user to see what claims are under the user. When a user is in the claims page, he/she will only need to sort based on descriptions to prevent redundant information through different commands.

The 2 different filters allow the user to be able to look through the lists based on what is important to him/her. date filter is especially important so the user can check what are the latest or oldest claims. name filter helps the user find the various contacts/claims/incomes. It doubles up as a find or filter function to let the user find the specific object he/she is finding.

2.9.4. Design Considerations

  • Sorting of the claims list based on description

    • Advantage: Easily find the claim you are looking for

    • Disadvantage: Might be difficult to remember the names of each claim

  • Sorting of the claims list based on contact’s name instead

    • Advantage: Easy to know as the person’s name is probably easier to remember than the claim’s description

    • Disadvantage: Already done in check contact, where you can filter the claims of a certain contact through the check feature

2.10. Reverse feature

This feature is exactly identical in the implementation as compared to the above sort feature. This feature sorts the various lists based on the same filters in the reverse of natural ordering. It shows the lists in reverse lexicographical order if name is used as filter and shows the newest entry at the top and the oldest at the bottom of the list.

Appendix A: Product Scope

Target user profile:

  • has a need to manage a significant number of contacts, claim and income

  • has to keep track of the budget for an organisation

  • prefer desktop apps over other types

  • can type fast and prefers typing over mouse input

  • is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps

  • has secretarial or finance management duties

Value proposition:

  • Simplify the tasks of the finance secretary by providing intuitive commands to commonly done tasks (check net balance, show surplus, show deficit)

  • Makes said task more cohesive by integrating 3 types of tracking (claims, budget and income) into a single application

  • Provides convenience by making it easier to manage documents and accountability for money (Cash on-hand)

  • Reduces the probability of mistakes made by the Finance Secretary by providing accurate tracking details of the various claims and accounts

Appendix B: User Stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that I can…​

* * *


ensure the contacts list to look like an address book still

easily access people I had dealt with before

* * *

busy user

ensure the contacts list to have a filter/search bar

easily find people in my contacts list

* * *


ensure the app can create Groups and Events such as Sports, Marketing, FOP etc

manage them easier

* * *


ensure the app can categorise the people to the Groups and Events

manage them easier.

* * *


ensure the app can help me record the amount of money I have on hand

manage it easier.

* * *

busy user

ensure the app can help me record the amount of money I am supposed to have

manage it easier.

* * *


ensure the app can help me calculate the difference of money I have vs the amount of money I am supposed to have

manage it easier.

* * *


ensure the app can give me a warning when the difference of money I have on hand vs the amount of money I am supposed to have is not 0

be notified if something like that does happen.

* * *


ensure the app can show me the transactions I had with people in the past, even after the transaction is done

keep a history of them.

* * *


ensure the app can show me a list of DONE people

manage them easier.

* * *


ensure the app can show me a list of NOT DONE people

manage them easier.

* * *


ensure the app can show me the date stamp of the transaction done

keep a history of them.

* * *


ensure the app can sort the value of claims in ascending/descending order

manage them easier.

* * *


ensure the app can be able to freely manipulate accessible data (add, delete, change name, change amount etc.)

manage them easier.

* * *

clumsy user

ensure the app can app could detect any anomalies such as duplicate claims

make less mistakes.

* *


ensure the app can be colorful and vibrant but not that painful to the eye

look at it without straining my eyes.

* *


ensure the app can send notifications to my email for any major deadlines

manage them easier.

* *


ensure the app can warn me when the particular group is going to exceed their budget at a certain threshold, like let’s say ($500 left)

be notified if something like that does happen.

* *


ensure the app can show me the transaction sorted by month

manage it easier.

* *


ensure the app can show a checklist of to-dos as a Finance Secretary

manage them easier.

* *

fellow director of the organisation

ensure the app can transform into a to-do list for any other departments

manage them easier.

* *


ensure the app can have graphical representation of data such as pie charts

look at it without straining my eyes.

* *

lazy user

ensure the app can generate a pseudo report based on the claims

not have to do it myself.

* *

clumsy user

ensure the app can perform periodic backups

revert the data in the event that I mess up horribly.

* *

superior of the finance secretary

have reading access to the information related to the budget, claims and deposits

check on the user’s work.



ensure the app can have some form of security

ensure no one can see the transactions I have done before


lazy user

ensure the app can email the offending parties if there is a discrepancy or fault with the claims

not have to do it myself


cautious finance secretary

ensure the app can check which secretary changed what details

hold them accountable for any foul play.


cautious finance secretary

ensure the app can have an automated checking system

prevent embezzlement of funds.



ensure the app can check for the petty cash holdings

keep track of all money including petty cash.



ensure the app can have notifications when claims are left untouched for too long

be notified if something like that does happen.



ensure the app can be customised to my needs

make the app suit me.

Appendix C: Use Cases

(For all use cases below, the System is FinSec and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

Use case: Requesting help from FinSec


  1. User requests for help in FinSec

  2. FinSec dispenses the appropriate type of help as requested by the user

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The user does not type in any parameters.

    • 1a1. FinSec displays a help window showing a list of commands as well as the usage parameters of the help command

    Use case resumes at step 1

  • 1b. The given parameters are incorrect.

    • 1b1. FinSec shows an error message

    • 1b2. FinSec displays a help window showing a list of commands

    Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: Adding a contact


  1. User requests to add a contact

  2. FinSec adds a contact

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The contact details are existing.

  • 1a1. FinSec shows an error message.

    Use case resumes at step 1

Use case: Editing a contact


  1. User requests to view list of contacts

  2. FinSec shows a list of contacts

  3. User requests which contact to edit and the details to change

  4. FinSec edits the contact

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The list of contacts is empty.

User case ends

  • 3a. The contact is not on the list.

    • 3a1. FinSec shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Delete contact


  1. User requests to list contacts

  2. FinSec shows a list of contacts

  3. User requests to delete a specific contact in the list

  4. FinSec deletes the contact

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The given index is invalid.

    • 3a1. FinSec shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Goto view


  1. User requests to change view (Contacts, Claims, Income)

  2. FinSec brings user to that view

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The view is invalid.

    Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: Check details of person (Only available within Claims/Contacts lists)


  1. User requests to view list of people

  2. FinSec shows a list of people

  3. User requests which person to check by index

  4. FinSec displays person

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The person list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The index entered is invalid.

    • 3a1. FinSec shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Add Claim


  1. User requests to add claim

  2. FinSec adds claim

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The details of claim is invalid.

    • 2a1. FinSec shows an error.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: Edit Claim


  1. User requests to view list of claims

  2. FinSec shows a list of claims

  3. User requests which claim to edit

  4. FinSec edits claim

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The claim list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The entered claim is invalid.

    • 3a1. FinSec shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Add Income


  1. User requests to add income

  2. FinSec adds income

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The details of income is invalid.

    • 2a1. FinSec shows an error.

Use case resumes at step 1.

Use case: Edit Income


  1. User requests to view list of income

  2. FinSec shows a list of income

  3. User requests which income to edit

  4. FinSec edits income

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The income list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The income entered is invalid.

    • 3a1. FinSec shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Check details of contact


  1. User requests to view list of contacts

  2. FinSec shows a list of contacts

  3. User requests which contact to check by index

  4. FinSec displays contact and details

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The contacts list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The index entered is invalid.

    • 3a1. FinSec shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Check status of claims of person


  1. User requests to change view to Claims

  2. FinSec changes view to claims

  3. FinSec shows a list of claims

  4. User requests which claim to check by index

  5. FinSec displays details of particular claim

    Use case ends.


  • 3a. The claims list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 4a. The index entered is invalid.

    • 4a1. FinSec shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 4.

Use case: Filter using keyword


  1. User requests to view list of income, claims or contacts

  2. FinSec shows the list

  3. User requests to filter the list based on keyword

  4. FinSec returns a list of filtered results

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The incomes, claims or contacts list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The keyword entered is yielded no result.

    • 3a1. FinSec shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: See budget


  1. User requests to view current budget

  2. FinSec shows current budget and displays budget graph

    Use case ends.

Use case: Sort claims in chronological order


  1. User requests to change view to claims

  2. FinSec shows the claim view

  3. User requests to sort the claims

  4. FinSec shows sorted claims

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The claims list is empty.

    Use case ends.

Use case: Resolving claims


  1. User requests to change view to claims

  2. FinSec shows the claim view

  3. User requests to resolve claim from index

  4. FinSec resolves claim

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The claims list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The index entered is invalid.

    • 3a1. FinSec shows an error message. + Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Adding tags


  1. User requests to view list of contacts

  2. FinSec shows a list of contacts

  3. User requests to add tags to contact

  4. FinSec adds tags to the contact

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The contact list is empty.

    Use case ends.

  • 3a. The contact index is invalid.

    • 3a1. FinSec shows an error message. + Use case resumes at step 2.

Appendix D: Non Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.

  2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 persons or claims without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.

  3. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.

  4. The system should work on both 32-bit and 64-bit environments.

  5. The system should respond within two seconds.

  6. The system should be intuitive and usable by anyone who can use excel.

Appendix E: Glossary


The total available budget of the organisation available for expenditure


An income made by a contact that contributes to the income


A claim made by a contact that deducts from the income


A contact who may be claiming from or contributing income to the budget

Appendix F: Product Survey

Microsoft Excel

Author: Microsoft


  • Very common application that can be found in any computer with Microsoft Office

  • Able to customise formulas for calculation


  • Very bare-bones UI

  • Multiple spreadsheets with multiple tabs can get very confusing

Appendix G: Instructions for Manual Testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

G.1. Launch and Shutdown

  1. Initial launch

    1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder

    2. Double-click the jar file
      Expected: Shows the GUI with a set of sample contacts. The window size may not be optimum.

  2. Saving window preferences

    1. Resize the window to an optimum size. Move the window to a different location. Close the window.

    2. Re-launch the app by double-clicking the jar file.
      Expected: The most recent window size and location is retained.

G.2. Goto a different view

  1. Going to claims page

    1. Prerequisites: User to be in any view of the application other than claims

    2. Test case: goto claims
      Expected: Claims list should show up on the Main Window.

  2. Going to incomes page

    1. Prerequisites: User to be in any view of the application other than incomes

    2. Test case: goto incomes
      Expected: Incomes list should show up on the Main Window.

  3. Going to claims page

    1. Prerequisites: User to be in any view of the application other than contacts

    2. Test case: goto contacts
      Expected: Contacts list should show up on the Main Window.

G.3. Viewing Help

  1. Requesting help from FinSec

    1. Prerequisites: None

    2. Test case: help
      Expected: A help window pops up displaying the list of all FinSec commands and advanced help usage

    3. Test case: help cmd/add_claim type/brief
      Expected: FinSec displays a brief description of the add_claim command, as well as usage instructions

    4. Test case: help cmd/edit_income_claim type/guide
      Expected: FinSec opens up your default web browser and brings you to the edit_income section of our User Guide

    5. Test case: help cmd/help type/api
      Expected: FinSec generates an API.html file containing the help command and opens it up.

    6. Test case: help cmd/randomstuff type/lalala
      Expected: FinSec displays an error message and usage instructions for help

G.4. Deleting a contact

  1. Deleting a contact while all contacts are listed

    1. Prerequisites: List all contacts using the goto contacts command. Multiple contacts in the list.

    2. Test case: delete_contact 1
      Expected: First contact is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted contact shown in the status message.

    3. Test case: delete_contact 0
      Expected: No contact is deleted. Error details shown in the status message.

    4. Other incorrect delete contact commands to try: delete_contact, delete_contact x (where x is larger than the list size)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

G.5. Adding a claim

  1. Adding a claim.

    1. Prerequisites: List all claims using the goto claims command. All the claims will be listed.

    2. Test case: add_claim n/John Doe d/Logistics for Event c/304.5 date/15-11-2019
      Expected: (if a contact with the name of "John Doe" exists) A claim will be added to the claim list. Details of the added claim shown in the status message window.
      Expected: (if a contact with the name of "John Doe" does not exist) Claim will not be added, and an error message stating the contact cannot be found will be shown in the status message window.

    3. Test case: add_claim
      Expected: No claim will be added, and error details would be shown in the status message window.

    4. Other incorrect add_claim commands to try: the valid command but with incorrect parameters.
      For example: add_claim n/John Doe d/Logistics for Event c/304.5 date/29-11-2019 or add_claim n/John Doe d/Logistics for Event c/304.586 date/15-11-2019
      Expected: An error message specifying the incorrect parameter will be shown in the status message window.

G.6. Approving or rejecting a claim

  1. Approving or rejecting a claim.

    1. Prerequisites: List all claims using the goto claims command. All the claims will be listed. There should be some claims listed already.

    2. Test case: approve 1 or reject 1 Expected: (if the first claim is pending) The claim status of the first claim will be changed to approved or rejected, depending on the command. Successful message will be shown in the status message window.
      Expected: (if the first claim is not pending) The claim status of the first claim will not be changed. Error message will be shown in the status message window.

    3. Test case: approve 0 or reject 10000000 (or any number larger than the size of the claim list)
      Expected: Error message will be shown in the status message window.

G.7. Adding an income

  1. Adding an income while all incomes are listed

    1. Prerequisites: List all incomes using the goto incomes command. Multiple incomes in the list.

    2. Test case: add_income d/Shirt sales c/307 date/11-11-2019 n/John Doe p/98765432
      Expected: An income is added to the incomes list. Details of the added income shown in the status message.

    3. Test case: add_income
      Expected: No income is added. Error details shown in the status message.

    4. Other incorrect add income commands to try: add_income d/Shirtsales, add_income x (where x is a random string)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

G.8. Deleting an income

  1. Deleting an income while all incomes are listed

    1. Prerequisites: List all incomes using the goto incomes command. Multiple incomes in the list.

    2. Test case: delete_income 1
      Expected: First income is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted income shown in the status message.

    3. Test case: delete_income 0
      Expected: No income is deleted. Error details shown in the status message.

    4. Other incorrect delete income commands to try: delete_income, delete_income x (where x is larger than the list size)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

G.9. Editing an income

  1. Editing an income while all incomes are listed

    1. Prerequisites: List all incomes using the goto_incomes command. At least 1 income in the list.

    2. Test case: edit_income 1 d/This is a test
      Expected: The first income on the list description field is edited. Details of the edited income shown in the status message.

    3. Test case: edit_income 1
      Expected: The first income on the list is not edited. Error details shown in the status message.

    4. Other incorrect delete income commands to try: edit_income 1 q/, edit_income 1 x/ (where x is an unknown field)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

G.10. Entering an unknown command word / Creating a shortcut

  1. Entering a command that is not in FinSec

    1. Prerequisites: None.

    2. Test case (part 1): thisisatest
      Expected: FinSec does not recognise the command. FinSec will ask whether a shortcut is to be created or not in the status message.
      Test case (part 2): n
      Expected: FinSec does not create a shortcut. FinSec will continue. Details will be shown in the status message.

    3. Test case (part 1): ac
      Expected: FinSec does not recognise the command. FinSec will ask whether a shortcut is to be created or not in the status message.
      Test case (part 2): add_contact
      Expected: FinSec creates a shortcut. Details will be shown in the status message.

    4. Other incorrect add shortcut commands to try: ` ` (empty string)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

G.11. Delete a shortcut

  1. Deleting a shortcut previously created.

    1. Prerequisites: Create a shortcut ai to any default command and ensure there is no shortcut test

    2. Test case: delete_shortcut ai
      Expected: Shortcut ai is deleted. Details of the deleted shortcut shown in the status message.

    3. Test case: delete_shortcut test
      Expected: No shortcut is deleted. Error details shown in the status message.

    4. Other incorrect delete shortcut commands to try: delete_shortcut x (where x is a shortcut that has not been created)
      Expected: Similar to previous.

G.12. Viewing added autocorrect suggestion

  1. See autocorrect suggestion list

    1. Prerequisites: Add a new shortcut addI that is an alias to add_income and that is the only shortcut created.

    2. Test case: Type ad into the command bar without entering
      Expected: FinSec will show a dropdown list containing addI.

    3. Test case: Type test into the command bar without entering
      Expected: The dropdown list will not contain the word test.

    4. Other incorrect commands to type into the command bar: x (where x is a random string).

G.13. Displaying budget values

  1. Display budget values without any incomes or claims present

    1. Prerequisites: No claims or incomes are present

    2. Test case: budget
      Expected: Budget displayed should be $0.00. Graph should reflect the same result

  2. Display budget values without any approved claims present

    1. Prerequisites: No claims have been approved

    2. Test case: budget
      Expected: Budget displayed should be the same as the income value. The red line in the graph representing claim amounts should remain at 0.

  3. Display budget values with an assortment of varied approved claims and incomes

    1. Prerequisites: All claims and incomes have been set to varying dates that predate and postdate the current date.

    2. Test case: budget
      Expected: Budget displayed should be the total income value minus total approved claim value. Budget Graph should reflect accurate statistics for the current month.

    3. Test case: budget 99
      Expected: An error pops up stating that budget is a standalone command and does not require additional parameters

G.14. Sorting the various lists

  1. Sorting contacts list by name in natural ordering

    1. Prerequisites: 3 contacts with different names added into claims list

    2. Test case: sort name
      Expected: Contacts list would be sorted in lexicographical order based on the contacts' names.

  2. Sorting claims list by name

    1. Prerequisites: 3 claims with different descriptions added into claims list

    2. Test case: sort name in natural ordering
      Expected: Claims list would be sorted in lexicographical order based on the claims' descriptions.

  3. Sorting claims list by date

    1. Prerequisites: 3 claims with different dates added into claims list

    2. Test case: sort date in natural ordering
      Expected: Claims list would be sorted in order based on the claims' dates with oldest entry at the top of the list.

  4. Sorting claims list by status

    1. Prerequisites: 3 claims with different status added into claims list

    2. Test case: sort status in natural ordering
      Expected: Claims list would be sorted in order based on the claims' statuses with Pending at the top of the list, followed by Approved then rejected.

  5. Sorting incomes list by name

    1. Prerequisites: 3 incomes with different descriptions added into incomes list

    2. Test case: sort name in natural ordering
      Expected: Incomes list would be sorted in lexicographical order based on the contacts' names in each individual income.

  6. Sorting incomes list by date

    1. Prerequisites: 3 incomes with different dates added into incomes list

    2. Test case: sort date in natural ordering
      Expected: Incomes list would be sorted in order based on the incomes' dates with oldest entry at the top of the list.

G.15. Sorting the various lists in reverse order

  1. Sorting contacts list by name in reverse order

    1. Prerequisites: 3 contacts with different names added into claims list

    2. Test case: reverse name
      Expected: Contacts list would be sorted in reverse lexicographical order based on the contacts' names.

  2. Sorting claims list by name in reverse order

    1. Prerequisites: 3 claims with different descriptions added into claims list

    2. Test case: reverse name
      Expected: Claims list would be sorted in reverse lexicographical order based on the claims' descriptions.

  3. Sorting claims list by date in reverse order

    1. Prerequisites: 3 claims with different dates added into claims list

    2. Test case: reverse date
      Expected: Claims list would be sorted in order based on the claims' dates with newest entry at the top of the list.

  4. Sorting claims list by status in reverse order

    1. Prerequisites: 3 claims with different status added into claims list

    2. Test case: reverse status
      Expected: Claims list would be sorted in order based on the claims' statuses with Rejected at the top of the list, followed by Approved then Pending.

  5. Sorting incomes list by name in reverse order

    1. Prerequisites: 3 incomes with different descriptions added into incomes list

    2. Test case: reverse name
      Expected: Incomes list would be sorted in reverse lexicographical order based on the contacts' names in each individual income.

  6. Sorting incomes list by date in reverse order

    1. Prerequisites: 3 incomes with different dates added into incomes list

    2. Test case: reverse date
      Expected: Incomes list would be sorted in order based on the incomes' dates with newest entry at the top of the list.

G.16. Checking each Individual Contact or Claim

  1. Checking a contact

    1. Prerequisites: 1 contact added into the contacts list

    2. Test case: check 1
      Expected: The first contact in the contacts list would be shown in a pop-up, displaying the claims that belong to this contact, empty list if it doesn’t have any claims.

  2. Checking a claim

    1. Prerequisites: 1 claim added into the claims list

    2. Test case: check CLAIMID, refer to ClaimID number on this claim in the claims list
      Expected: This claim will be shown in a pop-up, displaying the important information like date, amount and description that belong to this claim.